Our Mission
The Brinton Association of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of the Brinton family that arrived in Pennsylvania in the late 1600s. Today the Brintons live in different areas of the United States. But many Brintons still live in southeastern Pennsylvania, not far from the original Brinton 1704 House.
The Brinton Association of America strives to:
Preserve, staff, operate and maintain the Brinton 1704 House and Historic Site, built by William and Jane Brinton.
Present the Brinton 1704 House and Historic Site, its contents and associated property, for the education of the Brinton Family, the public and students. An area of focus is 18th-century architecture, art, archaeology, flora, artifacts, equipment, tools and related historical objects and customs.
Conduct research into the ancestry, descendants, and progeny of William Brinton (1635-1700).
Update the Brinton Family genealogy and collect, preserve, accumulate, and display historical, genealogical, and other information and materials relevant to the activities and history of the Brinton Family.
Preserve and strengthen family ties and promote knowledge and pride in the family heritage through reunions, newsletters and other communications.