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the Brinton Association of America’s



From the desk of President Francis B. Jacobs, II: 

Dear Family and Friends,


     Now that the election process is complete with all its interruptions of email, text and telephone appeals, hopefully,
we can now move forward with our lives. My hope is that this letter will capture your attention for its meaningful content.
It is my intent over the next few years to be more communicative as it relates to all that is and will be happening at the
1704 House and Historic Site.


Two years from now, in 2026, the Nation will be celebrating its 250th year of its establishment. Three years from now, in 2027, the local community will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Battle of the Brandywine. In both instances, I hope to have the 1704 House and Historic Site included by attracting family and the historic minded public to the property. In order to be a shining symbol of those times, much needs to be completed.


As mentioned previously, we need the construction of an Interpretive (“Visitors”) Center that will highlight, through
interactive and physical displays, the arrival of the Brintons in the Colonies in 1684, the unique architecture of the 1704
House, the relationship with the Native American Lenape Nation who were instrumental in the Brintons survival of that
first winter in 1684, the relationship of the property with the Battle of the Brandywine and many of the famous Brintons
who helped with the development of the United States of America.

For this initiative to be successful, funds, a figure in excess of $1,000,000, are needed to complete all that which
needs to be done. From an appeal to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, $250,000 has been designated for this purpose.
Appeals to other organizations have been submitted. While I have stated to these entities that I can encourage the Brinton
family and friends to support the program with a $100,000 commitment. Aggressive as this may sound, I am truly hopeful
that you who read this and understand the importance of the William Brinton 1704 House and Historic Site to the area and
history of the Nation, you will feel inclined to support this extraordinary initiative. Included below is a visual description of the program.

In addition to this, other areas of the property need attention. New barn doors are of paramount concern as they
are in a serious state of disrepair. Also, the carriage house, which is a source of revenue as a rental property, needs newly
installed insulated windows for the tenant’s family comfort.

I implore you for support and ideas where we can obtain sources of funding. The goal is to be ready for visitations
in 2026 and 2027.


Will you join me in making this a reality with a tax-deductible gift at this time?


Francis Brinton Jacobs II




To make a donation, simply click the "Donate" button below!


Copyright 2021 The Brinton Association of America, Inc.
William Brinton 1704 House
21 Oakland Road
West Chester, PA 19382

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